Professional Biomass Power Plants Training

Biomass Power Plants Training will inform participants on how to manage a Biomass Power Plant. Additionally, because it is a Renewable Energy department, the participant will reach more details such as how Middle Eastern countries and Turkey have procedures on this business.

  • Power Plant Computer Simulation: Gain in-depth knowledge of computer simulation of gas turbine, cogeneration and combined cycle power plants.
  • Power Plant Components and Systems: Learn about all the components and subsystems of different types of power plants such as: gas turbines, steam power plants, cogeneration, combined cycle power plants, wind turbines and generators, wind turbine farms, and solar generation plants.
  • Power Plant Economics: Explore the benefits, applications, performance and economics of power plants such as: cogeneration, combined cycle power plants, wind turbines and generators, wind turbine farms, and solar power generation.
  • Environmental emissions from the power plant: Learn about the monitoring and control of emissions into the environment.
  • Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems: Learn about the latest gas turbine and combined cycle instrumentation and control systems.
  • Power Plant Reliability and Testing: Increase your knowledge of predictive and preventive maintenance, reliability and power plant testing.
  • Power Plant Selection and Applications: Gain an in-depth understanding of power plant selection and application considerations such as: cogeneration, combined cycle power plants, wind turbines and generators, wind turbine farms, and solar power generation.

Biomass is a renewable resource that allows us to generate electricity from both waste products and crops grown specifically for that purpose. To meet anticipated demand, a variety of wood and agricultural biomass sources will be required if forecasted levels of biomass potential are to be met. In addition, a supply of purpose-grown biomass sources will be required, as residuals alone will not suffice.

Because biomass technologies generate electricity through combustion processes, they can generate electricity at any time, unlike wind and most solar technologies, which only produce when the wind blows or the sun shines. Biomass power plants generate the nation’s second-largest amount of renewable energy.

Processesing of Biomass Power Plants 

Energy production from biomass involves emissions during a variety of energy conversion processes while avoiding emissions associated with energy production from fossil fuels. At the same time, disposal in biomass energy facilities avoids the environmental consequences of alternative disposal fates for fuel residues, such as landfill burial or open burning.

One major issue with the biomass industry is that there is no supply chain. There is no unified market for collecting, transporting, and consuming biomass material. Because of the high cost of transporting biomass to a power plant, the current biomass market is and will remain localised. Storage is another issue. Another issue is that the quality of the biomass fuel varies greatly. 

Why us?

Choosing the best institute when doing Engineering short courses is critical, as this will provide you with a good learning and fully technical environment led by highly skilled and professional instructors, allowing you to learn more IT and Engineering skills. BES Trainings is the most popular and leading institute in Muslim Town, Lahore, Pakistan. We guarantee the best knowledge by utilizing a well-organized team structure and an experienced mentor. Contact us for enroll next batch.

  • Power plant fundamentals
  • Introduction to biomass power plants
  • Fuel storage and feed systems, biomass procurement
  • Pyrolysis of charcoal, fermentation and preparation of alcohol products as fuel, process and treatment technologies
  • Codes, standards, specifications and regulations
  • Steam boiler, Steam turbine, Generators
  • Transformers, Switch-gear, Switch-yards, Substations
  • water treatment plants, Material handling system, Emergency Electrical Supply,
  • HVAC technologies
  • Flue gas cleaning system
  • procurement, Tenders, bidding, contracts, Environmental compliance procedure
  • Operations, Maintenance & Troubleshooting
  • Safety Engineering
  • Environmental impact studies
Professional Training of Biomass Power Plants

Professional Training of Biomass Power Plants

  • Fee: 50,000
  • Duration: 2 Weeks
  • Timing: 9AM-11AM, 11AM-1PM, 1PM-3PM, 3PM-5PM, 5PM-7PM, 7PM-9PM