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Teachers and admin staff

The backbone of the education sector is its administrative and operational staff. From finance to human resources, these central support functions are similar to those found in any size organization. Like other organizations, no school can function effectively without them. 

Important Roles for Teachers and admin staff:

  • Strategy: These roles define the organization’s strategy and help them implement it. Senior administrators and management provide an essential service that ultimately enriches the student experience and gives them new opportunities to learn and develop.
  • Administration: The task of administration is essential in any organization. Ensuring the care of employees, paying suppliers and processing applications are essential functions in an educational organization. Administrative or back-office staff who are tasked with these functions are also often the key point of contact for external suppliers and service providers, as well as current and prospective students.
  • Operations: Quality educational services require services that support educational outcomes by keeping the campus operational every day. This is the heart of any school, keeping things moving and ensuring essential and non-essential services are available to students and staff.

BES Institute’s Teachers and admin staff Certification courses are designed to provide you with the skills and information needed to improve your quality management procedures and the effect you have within your business.



Teachers and admin staff

  • Fee: 25,000
  • Duration: 2 Months
  • Timing: 9AM-11AM, 11AM-1PM, 1PM-3PM, 3PM-5PM, 5PM-7PM, 7PM-9PM