Advance Arduino Training
The Arduino Basics course will teach the basics of using the Arduino microcontroller board, an open-source electronics platform that uses a simple programming language and a variety of sensors and motion modules to control and interact with the physical world.
A Basic Arduino course will typically cover the following topics. Introducing the Arduino board and its components Setting up the Arduino development environment Basic programming concepts, such as variables, loops, and functions Input and output methods, including working with sensors and actuators Communicating with the Arduino board via serial communication Basic projects such as LED control, sensor reading and motor control Tips and tricks for troubleshooting and debugging By the end of the Arduino Fundamentals course, students should have a good understanding of the Arduino platform and be able to create simple projects using the Arduino board.
It is worth noting that Arduino has a wide range of libraries and shields that can be used for different purposes such as Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth, GSM, GPS, etc. The foundation course can also cover some of the popular libraries. to get an idea of what can be achieved with the board.
Do you want to get Advance Adriano training in Pakistan? Burraq Engineering Solutions provides Trainings of Adriano training by word-wide experienced instructors. Our training sessions in Arduino train will polish and enhance the skills of young engineers and all professionals from basic to advance training in Arduino. We are serving the Electrical Engineering & Electrical Automation field of Pakistan for the last 8 years with theory and Lab practices. We also serve the student through our LMS platform named Lyskills where students can get quality content at a very cheap price.
- Brief into of level 1
- DATA communication between Arduinos
- Master slave configuration
- Machine to machine communication
- Rs485 communication with industrial sensors
- Saving analog data to excel file
- Intro to Bluetooth module
- BT module interfacing with Arduino
- Designing basic mobile app
- Connecting BT module with mobile app
- Introduction to esp8266
- Node mcu+esp intro
- Node Mcu programming
- Esp8266 serial communication
- Interfacing Arduino with Wi-Fi modules
- Adding Arduino access over internet
- Making web page and server for Arduino
- Controlling Arduino via internet
- Taking digital pin data/status on mobile app
- Showing temperature sensor data on mobile
- Taking light intensity on mobile app
- Control/dim LED from mobile app
- Control AC light bulb via android app
- ON-OFF / dim fan via android app
- Taking digital pin data/status on web pages
- Showing temperature sensor data on web server
- Taking light intensity on web server
- Designing of Bluetooth controlled devices
- Designing of Wi-Fi controlled /Iot devices
- Intro to Iot web browsers
- Control light bulb via web browser
- Control/dim LED from browser

Advance Arduino Training
- Rs 25,000/-
- Course Duration 2 Months
- Online Session
- On Campus Lecture + Practical
- Video Lecture Available
- Urdu & English
- 24/7 Support
- Course Fee: 25,000
- Duration: 2 Months
- Timing: 9AM-11AM, 11AM-1PM, 1PM-3PM, 3PM-5PM, 5PM-7PM, 7PM-9PM