Plan swift Training Course
Burraq Engineering Solutions provides the best Plan Swift Training Course designed to cover essential Swift programming skills, ranging from beginner to advanced levels. This comprehensive course includes hands-on experience with Swift language fundamentals, advanced programming concepts, and practical application development using Swift and SwiftUI. The course is ideal for students, professionals, and developers aiming to master Swift for iOS and macOS app development.
Plan swift Training Course Outline:
- Overview of Swift Language
- Swift vs. Objective-C
- Swift Development Environment (Xcode)
- Setting Up Projects in Xcode
- Writing and Running Swift Programs
- Swift Playground
- Swift Syntax and Structure
- Data Types (Strings, Integers, Booleans, etc.)
- Constants and Variables
- Operators (Arithmetic, Comparison, Logical)
- Control Flow (Conditionals, Loops)
- Optional and Unwrapping
- Defining and Calling Functions
- Function Parameters and Return Types
- Closures and Their Syntax
- Passing Functions and Closures as Parameters
- Introduction to Classes and Objects
- Properties and Methods
- Initializers (Constructors)
- Inheritance and Overriding
- Protocols and Delegation
- Extensions
- Memory Management (Automatic Reference Counting – ARC)
- Arrays and Dictionaries
- Sets and Their Operations
- Enumerations and Iterating Through Collections
- Mutating vs. Immutable Collections
- Error Handling (Try, Catch, Throw)
- Type Casting and Type Safety
- Generics
- Protocol-Oriented Programming
- Swift Memory Management Techniques
- File Handling in Swift
- Networking and RESTful APIs
- JSON Parsing and Serialization
- Data Persistence (UserDefaults, Core Data)
- Introduction to SwiftUI
- Views and Layouts in SwiftUI
- Handling User Inputs and Actions
- Animations in SwiftUI
- Navigation and Transitions
- Integrating SwiftUI with UIKit
- Debugging in Xcode
- Unit Testing and Writing Test Cases
- Performance Testing
- Code Profiling and Optimization
- Planning and Designing the Application
- Developing the User Interface
- Implementing Core Functionalities
- Debugging and Testing the Application
- App Optimization and Final Touches

Plan swift Training Course
- Rs 25,000/-
- Course Duration 2 Months
- Online Session
- On Campus Lecture + Practical
- Video Lecture Available
- Urdu & English
- 24/7 Support