PLC Boot Camp Course
Burraq Engineering Solutions is a company that provides training and consultancy services in the field of industrial automation and control systems. They may have offered PLC boot camp as part of their training program. Burraq Engineering Solutions‘ PLC Boot Camp training may have included instruction in basic PLC concepts and operations, as well as hands-on training in PLC programming software and hardware.
Aim of PLC Boot Camp Training
The aim of the training is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to program and maintain PLCs in an industrial environment. PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is a training program that provides an in-depth introduction to PLC operation and programming. Training typically covers the basics of PLC operation and programming, including instruction sets, ladder logic, and programming software. It may also include hands-on training in the operation of PLCs and other industrial control equipment. The objective of the PLC Boot Camp Training course is to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to program and maintain PLCs in an industrial environment.
- Introduction and History
- Introduction to TIA portal and its installation
- Programming languages stl , fbd, ladder.
- Making Simple Program in TIA
- Add remove PLC controllers IN TIA program
- Going online with s7-1200 PLC via TIA
- Connecting s7-1200 via Ethernet
- Topology, network and device views
- Upload /download program in PLCs
- Working with different type of simulators like PLCSIM and s7-plsim
- simulating modules
- Integration of simulator with TIA and their offline control
- Monitoring of PLC program while online
- Checking and setting the CPU /CONTROLLER and module properties
- Create tags for the I/O of the CPU.
- Create a simple network in your user program
- Use the PLC tags in the tag table for addressing the instructions
- Inserting new networks and deleting them
- Adding empty box, open and close branch as well as inserting inputs
- Program blocks and main OB
- Bit Logic Instructions NO, NC, COIL
- Word Logic Operations, AND, OR NOT, NAND, XOR, XNOR
- Assignments and negative assignments
- Set/reset coil with flip-flops
- Timers TP, TON, TOFF and time accumulators
- Counters UP, DOWN, UP/DOWN
- Range and validity functions
- Comparator Like equal to, not equal to, less than, greater than etc.
- (= ,> ,< ,>= ,<= )
- Arithmetic Functions like add sub,MUL,DIV,MOD,NEG,INC,DEC,ABS ,MIN,MAX,LIMITMOVE Block, CONVERT, CEIL, FLOOR
- Special Functions
- Plc tags and adding new tag table
- Plc data types, int, float, double, byte etch and how to add them
- Plc trouble shooting and maintenance
- Watch and force table and how to add them in project
- Introduction to analog and digital sensors
- PT100, opt electrical, limit switches
- Integration of sensors with plc and taking values in TIA
- Calibrating analog sensors RTD and Thermocouple
- Reading analog sensor value from TIA portal
- Going online problems and theirs solutions
- WinCC Runtime Advanced
- Implement PLC Programming in Factory Environment
- Intro to VFD and frequency drives
- VFD parameter setting in invt
- Connect VFD with PLC and control by current change
- HMI (Human Machine Interface) Section
- Learn to Program WIENTEK HMI
- Learn to design in Utility manager
Creating tags in HMI in utility manager - Adding buttons ,lamps , numeric inputs and outputs
- Connect HMI with plc
- Download program in HMI as well as online and offline simulations
- Hmi and plc connection problems and solutions
- Reading senor value at HMI
- Controlling motors from HMI
- WinCC Runtime Advanced
- Introduction to SCADA
- Quick Review of PLC HMI SCADA Level 1 Course.
- Jump and Label instruction in TIA Portal S7 1200/300/400 PLC
- How to make Functions (FC) in TIA Portal
- What is Cross Reference?
- FCs calling in Main (OB)
- Difference between FC and FB
- How to make FB in TIA and How to call it
- RTUs concept using Profibus
- Motor Control with VFD
- Parameters setting of Analog IO’s in VFD from control terminals
- Connections of Analog IO’s (0-10V or 4-20mA)
- Forward Reverse of Motor using keypad
- Forward reverse of Motor from external signal
- Controlling the Motor Acceleration and Deceleration time
- Frequency setting range up to 400HZ
- PLC wiring of Analog IO’s with VFD
- Motor Speed control using VFD through PLC Motor Speed control from
- Thermocouple through temperature.
- Read and Write major parameter of VFD on HMI (weintek) via
- MODBUS RTU using RS485
- Two VFD’s/Motors Operate with their feedback (Master Slave VFDs
- Introduction to SCADA
- SCADA system application (Oil GAS / factory /Metro/ Solar Power
- Plant /Steel Plant)
- System overview TIA Portal,
- WINCC Explorer Professional
- Creating a WINCC Explorer Professional project
- Configuring the connection to the WINCC Explorer automation system
- Structuring the operator interface
- Data & Communications
- Project overview
- Project Management
- Running the Project
- WINCC Explorer SCADA Graphic Designing
- WINCC Explorer SCADA Reporting
- WINCC Explorer SCADA connection with SQL Database by taking
- Value of temperature/pressure/flow/level etc.
- Alarm Logging
- Tag logging & Trend display
- Gauges, sliders, motors, pipes, tanks and other object designing on
- WINCC Explorer SCADA.
- Fundamentals of creating graphics displays for human machine
- interfacing
- Navigating through the plant displays
- User administration
- Variable logging, trend configuring and trend plotting
- Graphical Animation
- Slider Movement
- Visibility
- Introduction to Kepserver
- SCADA direct Communication with PLC
- SCADA to PLC Communication via Kepserver
- SCADA to PLC Communication via Kepserver and Modbus
- Quick Review of Level 1 Level 2
- DB Block in Detail
- FB Block in Detail
- FC Block in Detail
- PLC Safety Circuit
- Web Server
- S7-Communication
- PUT/GET Instruction
- Master Slave Communication
- Concept of Redundant System
- Concept of Fail-Safe PLC System
- Real-time Plant Project
- Introduction
- Difference between Servo and Stepper Motor
- Overview of PLC based motion
- HSC and PTO in S7-1200
- How to generate PTO in S7-1200
- Hardware wiring of Motor and Driver
- Configuration Of Positioning Axis
- Commissioning Of Axis
- Programming of basic motion control functions
- Axis Power and Axis Reset
- Axis JOG Operation
- Axis Homming Operation
- Axis MoveRelative Motion Control
- MC_MoveAbsolute
- Difference between MC_Relative and MC_MoveAbsolute
- Axis MC_MoveVelocity
- Axis MC_Halt
- Intro to AB PLC
- Intro to micrologix 1000
- Installing micrologix 1000 and RS linkx
- Learn to download and upload program in micrologix 1000
- Use of emulator in AB
- AB plc wiring sink/source
- Sensor wiring
- NO ,NC and OUT commands
- Timers TON, TOFF AND retentive in AB
- Counters and compare commands
- Data registers
- Increment and decrement operations
- Arithmetic commands
- Connect and programing HMI with micrologix 1000
- Intro to GX works 2
- Installing GX works 2
- Learn to download and upload program in GX works 2
- Use of emulator in GX works 2
- MITAUBISHI plc wiring
- GX Works 2 Requirement & Setup/Installation
- GX Works 2 Screen Configuration
- Create a project and sample program in GX works 2
- MITAUBISHI PLC wiring sink/source
- Sensor wiring with MITAUBISHI PLC
- Latch and Timer MITAUBISHI PLC
- Counter
- Turn Off Simulation
- Rising Pulse & Falling Pulse
- How to use Data Register
- MOVE Instruction
- Math Instruction
- Compare command in GX works
- Connect and programing HMI with MITAUBISHI PLC
- Intro to DELTA PLC DVP24ES
- Intro to WPLsoft
- Installing WPLsoft
- Going online with DELTA Plc
- Learn to download and upload program with WPLsoft
- Use of emulator in WPLsoft
- DELTA plc wiring
- Making PLC Sink/Source
- Connecting NPN and PNP sensors with PLC
- LD,LDI and OUT commands
- Commenting and labeling in WPLsoft
- Types of timers in DELTA plc
- Counters and compare commands
- Data registers
- Increment and decrement operations
- Arithmetic commands ADD,AUB,MUL,DIV
- Call subroutin
- Intro to FATEK PLC
- Intro to Winproladder
- Going online with FATEK Plc
- Learn to download and upload program in winproladder
- Use of emulator in Winproladder
- FATEK plc wiring sink/source
- Connecting NPN and PNP sensors with PLC
- Sensor wring and its types
- NO ,NC and OUT commands
- Commenting and labeling in Winproladder
- Timers TON, TOFF AND retentive in AB
- Counters and compare commands
- Data registers In FATEK
- Increment and decrement operations
- Arithmetic commands
- Jump and label command
- High speed counters
- Encoder with FATEK
- Motor control with FATEK
- Industrial Automation Basics
- Basic Knowledge
- Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC)
- Quick Review of PLC HMI SCADA
- SCADA system application(Oil GAS / factory /Metro/ Solar Power
- Plant /Steel Plant)
- System overview TIA Portal, Wonderware Intouch Professional
- Creating a Wonderware Intouch Professional project
- Configuring the connection to the Wonderware Intouch automation
- system
- Structuring the operator interface
- Data & Communications
- Project Overview
- Project Management
- Running the Project
- Wonderware Intouch SCADA Graphic Designing
- Wonderware Intouch SCADA Reporting Alarm Logging
- Tag logging & Trend display
- Gauges, sliders, motors, pipes, tanks, and other object designing on
- Wonderware Intouch SCADA.
- Fundamentals of creating graphical displays for human-machine
- interfacing
- Navigating through the plant displays
- Variable logging, trend configuring, and trend plotting
- Trend plotting, and message representation including logging of data
- in the database
- Graphical Animation
- Web Buttons
- Slider Movement
- Visibility
- More Animations
- Reinforcement of the content by means of practical exercises on the
- TIA system model
- It Covers the Instrumentation used in the industrial Process.
- Simatic Manager for S7-300 PLC
- Introduction to Factory I/O
- Factory I/O Environment
- Understand industrial automation components on Factory I/O
- Configure and program Factory I/O Applications
- Understand and develop logic on real time applications
- Create and program your own automation applications
- Understand uses of sensors, switches, actuators and conveyors
- Interface & Configure different PLC Programming Software with
- Factory I/O

PLC Boot Camp Course
- Rs 50,000/-
- Course Duration 3 Months
- Online Session
- On Campus Lecture + Practical
- Video Lecture Available
- Urdu & English
- Fee: 50,000
- Duration: 3 Months
- MonthsTiming: 9AM-11AM, 11AM-1PM, 1PM-3PM, 3PM-5PM, 5PM-7PM, 7PM-9PM