Multi PLC Training Course
Burraq Engineering Solutions is a company that offers all types of training like Multi PLC Training courses in Pakistan, including Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) courses. They may offer a multi-PLC training course covering the programming and operation of multiple brands or types of PLCs. The course may include instructional topics such as programming languages, input/output operations, ladder logic and problem-solving. It is important to check the Burraq Engineering Solutions website for more information on the course content and schedule, as well as any prerequisites or certifications that may be required.There are several training courses available to help you learn more about programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
Examples of Multi PLC Training
- Alan Bradley PLC programming
- Siemens PLC programming
- General Electric PLC programming
- Mitsubishi PLC programming
- Schneider Electric PLC programming
It is worth noting that many PLC training courses are specific to a particular brand or type of PLC, so it is a good idea to research and choose a course that matches the PLC you will be using.
Multi PLC Training Course Details
Multi PLC Training Course is Provided by Burraq Engineering Solutions in best Engineering institute of Pakistan. We can also provide our courses online for cities like Karachi, Quetta which are far away from Lahore. In this course we will study about the SIEMENS PLC Training , Allen Bradly PLC Training, Mitsubishi PLC Training, OMRON PLC Training, DELTA PLC Training, FATEK PLC Training in this same course. We are also Providing online video Courses of PLC and SCADA Training on our LMS Platform Learn-Your-Skills Lyskills.
- Introduction and History
- Introduction to TIA portal and its installation
- Programming languages
- Making Simple Program in TIA
- Going online with S7-1200 via TIA
- Upload /download program in PLC
- Bit Logic Instructions
- Timers and Counters
- Comparator and Arithmetic Functions
- MOVE Block
- PLC troubleshooting
- Introduction to analog and digital sensors
- Interconnection of analog and digital sensors with plc
- Intro to VFD
- PLC Wiring sink/source
- Sensor wiring
- VFD parameter setting
- HMI (Human Machine Interface) Section
- Connect and programing HMI with s7-1200
- Intro to AB PLC
- Intro to micrologix 1000
- Installing micrologix 1000 and RS linkx
- Learn to download and upload program in micrologix 1000
- Use of emulator in AB
- AB plc wiring sink/source
- Sensor wiring
- NO ,NC and OUT commands
- Timers TON, TOFF AND retentive in AB
- Counters and compare commands
- Data registers
- Increment and decrement operations
- Arithmetic commands
- Jump and label command
- High speed counters
- Connect and programing HMI with micrologix 1000
- Intro to GX works 2
- Installing GX works 2
- Learn to download and upload program in GX works 2
- Use of emulator in GX works 2
- MITAUBISHI plc wiring
- GX Works 2 Requirement & Setup/Installation
- GX Works 2 Screen Configuration
- Create a project and sample program in GX works 2
- MITAUBISHI PLC wiring sink/source
- Sensor wiring with MITAUBISHI PLC
- Latch and Timer MITAUBISHI PLC
- Counter
- Turn Off Simulation
- Rising Pulse & Falling Pulse
- How to use Data Register
- MOVE Instruction
- Math Instruction
- Compare command in GX works
- Connect and programing HMI with MITAUBISHI PLC
- Intro to OMRON
- Intro to CX-programmer
- Installing CX-programmer
- Going online with OMRON Plc
- Learn to download and upload program with CX-programmer
- Use of emulator in CX-programmer
- OMRON plc wiring types
- Interfacing sensors with OMRON plc and their wiring
- Latching and interlocking
- Connecting NPN and PNP sensors with PLC
- Commenting and labeling in CX-programmer
- Types of timers in OMRON plc
- Counters with comparison
- Data registers
- Arithmetic commands ADD,AUB,MUL,DIV
- Intro to DELTA PLC DVP24ES
- Intro to WPLsoft
- Installing WPLsoft
- Going online with DELTA Plc
- Learn to download and upload program with WPLsoft
- Use of emulator in WPLsoft
- DELTA plc wiring
- Making PLC Sink/Source
- Connecting NPN and PNP sensors with PLC
- LD,LDI and OUT commands
- Commenting and labeling in WPLsoft
- Types of timers in DELTA plc
- Counters and compare commands
- Data registers
- Increment and decrement operations
- Arithmetic commands ADD,AUB,MUL,DIV
- Call subroutines
- Jump and label command
- High speed counters
- Encoder with DELTA PLC
- Intro to FATEK PLC
- Intro to Winproladder
- Going online with FATEK Plc
- Learn to download and upload program in winproladder
- Use of emulator in Winproladder
- FATEK plc wiring sink/source
- Connecting NPN and PNP sensors with PLC
- Sensor wring and its types
- NO ,NC and OUT commands
- Commenting and labeling in Winproladder
- Timers TON, TOFF AND retentive in AB
- Counters and compare commands
- Data registers In FATEK
- Increment and decrement operations
- Arithmetic commands
- Jump and label command
- High speed counters
- Encoder with FATEK
- Motor control with FATEK

Multi PLC Training Course
- Rs 40,000/-
- Course Duration 2 Months
- Online Session
- On Campus Lecture + Practical
- Video Lecture Available
- Urdu & English
- 24/7 Support
- Fee: 32,000
- Duration: 2 Months
- Timing: 9AM-11AM, 11AM-1PM, 1PM-3PM, 3PM-5PM, 5PM-7PM, 7PM-9PM