Advance Python Course
“Advanced Python” refers to the advanced features and capabilities of the Python programming language and may include topics such as object-oriented programming, decorators, generators, and more. It can also refer to the use of Python in more specialized or complex applications, such as scientific computing, machine learning, or data analysis.
Benifits of Advance Python Training
If you want to improve your Python skills, it can be helpful to study advanced concepts, practice exercises, and projects, and stay up to date with the latest developments in the Python community. Training a machine learning model in Advance Python typically involves several steps:
- Data collection and preparation
- Select a model
- Train Model
- Model evaluation
- Fine-tuning the model
- Deploying the modelAdvance Python
If you want to Learn Python Programming then Contact us for enroll next batch
- Introduction
- Install Python
- Which IDE?
- Install Java and Eclipse
- Install PyDev for eclipse
- PyDev Tips
- Install PyCharm
- Download the completed projects and Assignments
- First Python Program
- Comments
- Python Indentation
- Introduction
- Numeric Types
- Complex , Binary and Hexadecimal Types
- Boolean Types
- Type Conversion Functions
- Identifiers
- Datatypes
- Datatypes
- Introduction
- Create a string
- Slicing a string
- Steps in slicing
- Strip the spaces
- Few more string methods
- Data Types
- Create a list
- Adding and removing list elements
- Few more list functions
- Tuple
- Use a Tuple
- List to Tuple
- List vs Tuple
- Set Type
- Frozen Set
- range type
- bytes and byte array
- Dictionary
- Immutability
- Datatypes Patient Use case
- Map of Lists Use case
- Sequence Types
- Collection Types
- None type
- Escape chars
- Constants
- del keyword
- Data Types Summary
- Special Types
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Operators BMI Usecase
- Operators and Operands
- Introduction
- print and string formatting
- input
- reading multiple inputs
- Input and Output functions
- Input and Output Functions
- Read and Display student details
- Average of three numbers
- Area of a circle
- Using the math module
- Introduction
- If Else Syntax
- Find even or odd number
- IF Else Ladder
- Handle Zero
- If-Else Ladder
- While Syntax
- Display numbers from 1 to 20
- Odd numbers between given numbers
- For Syntax
- using for loop
- product of numbers in a list
- multiplication table of a given number
- break
- continue
- assert
- More Programs – Remove Duplicates in List
- More Programs – Count Vowels in a word
- More Programs – Handle employee Details
- Flow Control Statements
- Loops
- Input and Output functions
- Reverse a String
- Reverse using split and join
- Reverse the words in a string
- Reverse the characters in the words
- Remove Duplicate Chars
- Count the characters
- Print Right Angled Triangle
- Print Pyramid Pattern
- Find substrings in a given string
- Introduction
- command line arguments
- command line arguments in PyCharm
- Command Line Arguments
- Command line arguments
- Introduction
- first function
- returning a result
- return multiple values
- local and global variables
- accessing global variable with the same name
- assign function to a variable
- function inside another
- function as parameter to an other
- returning functions
- pass any type
- Recursion
- recursion
- keyword arguments
- default arguments
- BMI Usecase
- *args and **kwargs
- passing optionals params to other functions
- Functions
- Introduction
- Lambda – Cube of a given number
- Lambda – Even or Odd
- Lambda – Sum of two numbers
- Using a filter
- Using the map function
- Using reduce function
- Decorators
- Decorator that doubles the result of a function
- Using @ Decorator
- Decorating Strings
- Decorator Chaining
- Generators
- Create a generator
- Keywords in python
- Lambdas and More
- Introduction
- Create a module and use it
- Different ways to import
- Use Math Module
- Use Random Module
- Modules
- List Comprehensions
- Cube of numbers in a list
- Even numbers in a list
- Product of numbers in a list
- Common elements in a list
- Introduction
- The 4 OOP principles
- Classes and Objects
- Create first class
- Use Parameterized Constructor
- Define a instance method
- Create Getter and Setter methods
- Define instance methods
- Methods vs Constructors
- Define static field
- Count the number of Objects
- Create a Inner Class
- Garbage Collection
- GC Methods
- Use Destructor
- Patient Clinicals Use case
- Classes and Objects
- Introduction
- Private Fields and Name Mangling
- Implementing Encapsulation
- Encapsulation
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Inheritance in action
- Inheriting Functionality
- Overriding
- Using Super()
- Inheritance
- Introduction
- DuckTyping
- DuckTyping for Dependency Injection
- Operator Overloading
- Runtime Polymorphism
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- Create an Abstract Class
- Create an Interface
- Abstraction
- Abstraction
- Introduction
- Exception Class Hierarchy
- Handling Exceptions
- Using Finally
- Else
- Create and Raise Custom Exceptions
- More Programs – Custom Exceptions
- Logging in action
- Logging Configuration
- Log Exceptions
- Using Assertions
- Exception Handling Assertions and Logging
- Exception Handling
- Introduction
- Write string to a file
- Read from a file
- Write multiple strings
- Check if the file exists
- Pickle
- UnPickle
- Introduction
- Sequence Characters
- search()
- findall() and match()
- split()
- substitute()
- Quantifiers
- using quantifiers
- Matching dates
- Special Characters
- using special characters
- Regular Expressions
- Date and Time
- Time since epoch
- Finding the current date and time
- Combining Date and Time
- Sorting dates
- sleep()
- Knowing the execution time of a program
- Validate Credit Card Usecase
- Project Management Usecase
- Date and Time
- Date Time and Classes
- Introduction
- Main Thread
- Thread using a function
- Printing Thread Names
- Thread extending the Thread Class
- Thread using a class
- Multithreading in action
- using sleep()
- The Ticket Booking use case
- Thread Synchronization
- Add more logic
- Synchronization using lock
- Synchronization using semaphore
- Thread Communication
- Using a boolean flag
- Run and summarize
- Thread Communication using wait and notify
- Use wait and notify
- Queues and Thread Communication
- Producer Consumer Pattern
- Three Types of queues
- Types of queues
- Introduction
- Downloading a HTML
- Downloading a Image
- Socket Programming
- Create a server
- Create a client
- File Server
- File Client
- Sending Emails
- Email Client
- Run Mail Client
- Introduction
- Install MySQL
- Install MySQL workbench
- Install MySQL connector
- Setup the database
- Connect to the DB from Python
- READ – fetch all
- Introduction
- Setup the database
- Install psycopg2
- Connect and Insert
- Fetch Data
- Mongo Introduction
- Install Mongo
- Use Mongo Console
- Install pimento
- API walkthrough
- insert one
- insert many
- read
- update
- delete
- Use case
- Debugging in PyDev
- Debugging in PyCharm
- Using Virtual Environment
- Introduction
- Create and run a test
- Assert for exceptions
- setup and teardown
- Assignment
- Documentation

Advance Python
- Rs 30,000/-
- Course Duration 3 Months
- Online Session
- On Campus Lecture + Practical
- Video Lecture Available
- Urdu & English
- Fee: 30,000
- Duration: 3 Months
- Timing: 9AM-11AM, 11AM-1PM, 1PM-3PM, 3PM-5PM, 5PM-7PM, 7PM-9PM